Elevate customer support with AI
Reduce cost to service, personalize interactions, and delight customers with advanced GenAI.
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Elevate customer support with AI

customer questions
answered autonomously


support agent


decrease in
resolution time

Pre-Built Solutions

Maven goes beyond last generation chatbots, holistically transforming customer interactions into seamless, intuitive experiences powered by AI agents.


Smart Help Center

Transform your self-service knowledge base to provide quick, accurate answers wherever customers engage with your business.

  • Fast, Actionable Search: Instant document retrieval and summarization.
  • Flexible Integration: Works with existing setups or as a standalone solution.
  • Smart Queries: Automatically suggests follow-up questions.


Customer AI Agent

Elevate your customer support with conversational AI chat, providing instant, accurate resolution.

  • Instant AI-Powered Resolution: Supports real-time responses on SMS, chat, and email.
  • Natural Language Interactions: Delivers fluent, conversational engagements.
  • Rapid Document Search: Quickly finds and summarizes relevant information


Support Team Agent Assist

Supercharge your support agents' efficiency and quality. Enhance agent performance with contextual support that's always a step ahead.

  • Proactive Answers: Suggests responses as tickets are read.
  • Boosted Efficiency: Improves speed, ensures consistency, and enhances quality across your team.
  • Seamless Integration: Works effortlessly with Zendesk, Salesforce, and other major platforms.


Actionable Insights

Harness data-driven insights to proactively address root causes and anticipate product issues. Streamline decision-making and enhance customer engagement with zero-touch analysis.

  • Smart Categorization: Streamlines data organization automatically.
  • Quick Summaries: Distills essential information from large text volumes.
  • Emotion Detection: Assesses sentiment to inform responses.
Tailor Maven to your needs with our API

Unlock the full potential of Maven by integrating and customizing it to fit your unique operational requirements. Our robust API allows developers to extend functionality, create bespoke solutions, and adapt our platform to enhance your existing workflows.

Book a Demo
"We saw a 72% increase in usage month over month - a strong indicator of the value and acceptance from support reps"
Aaron Jones, VP of Professional Services
Ready to take the first step transforming your customer support? 
See Maven in action. Request a free personalized demo tailored with your unique knowledge base.